What Daily Bible Study Has Taught Me

At the start of quarantine, I made it a point to become more serious with my bible study. It was something that I was letting fall to the wayside because of time. Between my full time marketing job and being a full time content creator, I somehow couldn’t find the “time” to sit and have even 30 minutes with God. When I realized that, the conviction hit real quick. So, being forced to stay at home, I really had no excuse.

In this time with God, 3 major things have been revealed to me that have helped me in my faith journey so I wanted to share what daily bible study has taught me:

The Power of Alignment

I am guilty of wanting God to answer every single one of my prayers with a yes, even if they don’t necessarily align with his plan. But as I began to get deeper into the word, what stood out to me was that God truly wants to give us the desires of our heart. The caveat is that these desires should align with the desires He has for our lives. Wild. The more we open up ourselves to receive God’s word, the more God is able to impart into us our purpose, and the more that purpose becomes something we desire. And because it becomes something we desire, we pray for it to come to pass. Because it in alignment with what God already wants (because we opened up our hearts to listen), we are able to receive. Amazing, right??

what daily bible study has taught me

The Power of Patience

Patience is a virtue that I struggle with. Plainly put, I don’t like waiting. I like for things to sorta just…happen. But God doesn’t operate that way. And he’s told me that over and over again. Each time I’ll be satisfied with the response, until I forget that He told me that. Reading the Bible helped me put into perspective how different biblical figures had to be patient before things came to pass. Joseph was propositioned to be in a position of power, second to Pharaoh.

But chillleeee, he had to be PATIENT because he was sold into slavery, called a liar and thrown in jail, forgotten about while in jail. After all of those years, he was finally lifted into that position. And just at the right time. As he was lifted up, the same brothers who sold him into slavery, came to him asking for food in  in a famine. Imagine if Joseph was propped up earlier, he would not have been able to save his brothers. Any later, it would’ve been too late. But God ensured it happened right on time. Phew, a message if I ever did see one.

Related: Journey to Financial Freedom: Tithing

The Power of Boldness

In one of my sessions, I wrote out how I had this tendency to shrink when it came to go after the things that I wanted or speaking out on things that I was passionate about. But reading the Word opened my eyes to just how bold these men and women of faith were. Like, bold bold. And their boldness came from believing that at the end of the day, God had their backs. I think a part of me has always felt like I had to get things done on my own and by my own power, and so being bold with things was scary because I was scared to fail, in my own power.

But holding on to God’s promises has instilled a different type of boldness in me. A boldness that, in the end, God really does have my back every step of the way. If I fail or stumble, He will be there to pick me up, and if I succeed, He will be there with arms open wide. So, in a sense, I’m good!

Hope this encourages you all. These are what daily bible study has taught me. I know that reading the Bible every single day can be hard. But it is so rewarding and eye opening. It will give you a level of unmatched peace, whether you are a new or seasoned Christian.

Until next time…

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