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Category: Career

I Quit My Corporate Job

Phew! After 1.5 years of contemplating, going back and forth, tears (a whole lot of them), and venting sessions, I finally left my corporate digital marketing job. In a pandemic. The Backstory I started this particular job back in July 2017, and by my 2nd year there, I was ready to find a new job. Mainly because I realized…

Working Through a Pandemic & Social Revolution

Hey party people. I haven’t been on here the last month (although I feel like my latest posts have consistently said that…yikes). But, we have a common denominator here, and that is: We are living through a pandemic and a social revolution. Now, if you’re like me and you’re working a &#8220…

Other Things to Negotiate Besides Salary

Although the world is experiencing a tumultuous time with the outbreak of COVID19, there are companies that are still hiring! Which is a great reminder that we will definitely get through this, just as those who have gotten through it in the past. So this post is a career focused one, sharing other things to negotiate besides a salary. As…

How to Make Your 9 to 5 Work for You

Some people have this misconception that they are wasting time working at a 9 to 5 while they could be pursuing their true passions. I think there needs to be a mentality shift on how we look at working a traditional job. There is a slot of security that a 9 to 5 provides that is not readily available with…

Why Working a 9 to 5 Can Discipline You

We need to talk about this ideology that working a 9 to 5 is a bad thing. That everyone needs to be an entrepreneur. That if you work for someone/corporation, you’re not living your best life or being the best version of you. STOP WITH THAT RHETORIC! Look, not everyone is meant to be a business owner…

Balancing Work and Blogging

*Disclaimer: These shots were taken 30 mins before I had to go into work. Don’t worry, I didn’t wear this to the office. I wore THIS* HAVING A FULL TIME JOB AND BLOG I mentioned in my IG stories a while back that I now work full time. While I am super grateful for the opportunity…