How I’m Learning to Let Go and Let God

I’ve been staring at this blank screen of a post for the last two weeks because I honestly, wasn’t entirely sure what to share. I have my holiday content all queued up and ready to go but, that’s for the coming weeks. So in this “downtime”, I’ve been in what most would call, a creative rut. The feeling that I’m doing the same thing over and over, not wanting to repeat past ideas and creations, trying to “stand out” and “be different”, etc. Let me tell you, it’s exhausting. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized why I get in these ruts to begin with.

Trying to Do Things on My Own without Help

I’m not referencing help from people. I mean divine help. There’s this thought that I sometimes I have where I’m like “ohhh, this is not a big enough thing to come to God about”. Not entirely sure where that thought process even came from but, God cares about every part of my life. So, why not go to God when I’m experiencing a creative drought. As I type this, I’m slowly having an epiphany into how I’ve been approaching this in a way that requires more effort out of me. When all God wants to do is step in and actually make my load lighter.

This little rut may be small. But God still cares about it. In my mind I may think that there’s “so much going on in the world, why should I focus so much energy on something like this”, but God cares about it all. The big and the small. He wants the best for me, and I need to fully understand that so when I feel the pressure, I can go to Him and just lay my burdens down. I literally do not have to carry this alone. Yet somehow, I choose to do so, out of pride, most likely.

It’s a good feeling to think “yea, I did this all on my own”, but to what end? We are burnt out, annoyed, upset, and tired. So so tired. When in reality we could just ask for help, for clarity to move in the right direction. The understanding to work smarter and not harder. And when we complete the task, we can happily say, “I had divine help”, and who knows, you may just bless someone with your work.

So, here’s to giving my little creative rut to God, who doesn’t deem it little at all.

Until next time…


  1. Tiesha | 12th Nov 19

    This spoke volumes to me! Thank you so much for writing this! God is speaking to me through you!

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