How to Cope when Insecurity Hits

These last few months have truly testing my security in myself. I don’t know what it is, but as of late, I can’t help but to question every single thing I do, every thought I have, the moves I make, what I say, how I look. It’s been a bit too constant for my own liking so I have had to find ways to actively get myself out of the funk. I’ll be sharing 3 ways on how I cope when insecurity hits, because let’s be real, this whole self love thing is most definitely a journey, not a destination.

Let it Out

I know. This sounds simple enough but I promise you, it can be much harder to ACTUALLY do. There’s no point in pretending like all is well, when all really feels like hell. I give myself the grace to feel whatever it is I need to feel. As a recovering perfectionist, I used to stay in denial about my feelings because I thought they made me a bad person, but I was only fooling myself in pretending that everything was peachy keen. So whatever emotion I was feeling at the moment, I let it out. Anger, sadness, tears, frustration, annoyance. When I let out these feelings in the confines of my own space, I am allowing myself to acknowledge what is currently happening and to address it head on. Denial means that I won’t even allow myself to get to the root of the problem. No more of that.

how to cope when insecurity hits

Speak it Out

Speak words of affirmation to yourself. Simple enough. But in the moment when you are in a spiral, it can be hard to look at yourself and give yourself kind words. It can be hard to try to be positive when all you want to do is cry. Which is why it’s so important to do number 1 and let it out. Letting it out gives room to open yourself to the positivity. The negative escapes, and you can allow the good and positive to come in. And I don’t mind speak it in your head, or whisper it. I mean SPEAK it out and tell talk out loud to yourself.

Talk it Out

It’s very easy to assume that you are the only one dealing with a situation. To think that you’re the only one going through a tough time so therefore, no one would understand you. These are the thoughts I battle with constantly. I fear sharing certain things because I’m afraid of not getting the response I hope to get, and I don’t even know what I would want the response to be. But as of late, I’ve been making it a point to talk to my sis (who I live with) whenever insecurity flares up. We have a sit down and she listens carefully, and asks me if I want constructive advice. Sometimes I do, sometimes I just want to vent. But either way, I always feel better afterwards. This is also why therapy is important. It’s good to have someone to share your thoughts with when you feel yourself spiraling.

how to cope when insecurity hits

And these steps are how I cope when insecurity hits. I know that this topic is a bit different from the usual but self love and self care are two things I feel strongly about and I want to make sure that is reflected on my blog content as well. If you made it to the end, I hope you found this helpful.

Until next time…

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