Handling Holiday Blues

Originally uploaded in November 2018 and updated as of November 2023

This time of year can feel extremely heavy for a lot of people, me included. Ever since my mom passed away in 2017, Christmas season has never felt fully the same and I find myself grieving a bit harder than usual. Below are some ways I am handling holiday blues, in hopes that it’ll help you too!

handling holiday blues

Being in Community

When dealing with the loss of someone, instinct is to isolate yourself from everyone. I did it. But with this time of year, I encourage you to actively surround yourself with those who uplift and encourage you. Make an effort to hang out with those that make you smile and laugh. Don’t be afraid to schedule hang out sessions just to talk. I am still actively reminding myself to do these things so I won’t find myself feeling extremely lonely during a season that spotlights family time.

Remain Active with your Faith

It should be no surprise that this is on the list. This is definitely one area of my life that making an effort in really does pay off in having a healthier mindset. When I find myself feeling off, I want to make it a point to go to God first. Casting my worries, anxieties, sadness, anger, and frustration at the throne, knowing that I don’t have to have it all figured out. And it helps me to refocus on the reason for the season.

handling holiday blueshandling holiday blues

Have Spontaneous Moments

Routine is great for a lot of different reasons that I won’t list here. But, doing the same thing, day in and day out, can result in feeling like you’re missing out on life. During the holidays, there is a tendency to get stuck in figuring things out that you can forget to actually have fun and enjoy yourself. There are different circumstances that may force you into a routine, but take it upon yourself to do a holiday activity you’ve never done before. Invite friends to join in on the fun with you.

Put on some Christmas Music

I can guarantee that holiday tunes will put you in a good mood for at least a few hours. I’m sure there are some studies out there that prove that listening to Christmas songs will absolutely have you smiling. My personal favorites: All of Pentatonix Christmas albums, Michael Buble’s Christmas, and Destiny’s Child 8 Days of Christmas.

handling holiday blues

 Remain Active

Working out releases endorphins and endorphins make you feel good. During this season, it’s easy to get out of your routine of working out. But this is the one routine I would highly recommend sticking with. And to follow up to my point above, if you’re someone who likes going to the gym, maybe try an outdoor workout instead to mix things up. I’m making it a point that even if that number of days of workouts slow down this period, I will at least workout 2x a week.

Pace Yourself

Don’t take on more responsibilities and tasks that you can realistically handle this season. It’s ok to say no to that project or event, if you know that you will end up feeling depleted and drained. Stay on top of your schedule to avoid over committing and double booking. Those in your life will understand if you need some days to just be by yourself and feel your feelings.

I hope these practical tips help you this season. But, if you are finding yourself feeling more down than usual, reference this post on some ways to do a mental health check.

Until next time…

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