5 Habits to Achieve Healthy Skin

If there’s one thing I’ve realized with my skincare, it’s that a habit and routine is CRUCIAL to seeing results. It can be hard to stay consistent, especially when you feel that the results aren’t coming as fast as you want. But trust me when I say, the results will begin to show from themselves in due time. I’m sharing the 5 key habits to achieve healthy skin that I have incorporated over the last 3 years.

Wash Your Makeup Off Every Night

A makeup wipe is not enough. After every makeup application, before you go to bed, you need to thoroughly wash your face. If you’re too tired to do that, the next best thing will be to use an oil cleanser followed by a cleansing or micellar water. But, both of these steps followed by a traditional gel cleanser is your best bet. When we are sleeping, our skin is in full repair mode. So imagine your skin’s shock when the makeup and dirt from the previous day are blocking what it needs to do! So, take this as a sign, to make washing you face at night a priority vs. a suggestion.

5 Habits to Achieve Healthy Skin

Wear Your Sunscreen Everyday

Sunscreen is vital in not only helping to preventing skin cancer, but also keeping your face looking youthful and ensuring that any sort of hyperpigmentation does not worsen. Let’s say you’re using a Vitamin C cream to help with getting rid of dark spots. If you do not wear your sunscreen in the day, that step is essentially null and void. The two go hand in hand. If you want to have that youthful radiant look, then sunscreen is your best friend.

Switch to Using Paper Towels

Towels carry bacteria. And while we can get away with that on our bodies before needing to throw them in the washer, our faces are a bit more sensitive. Switching to using paper towels to dry my face after washing has been one of the key factors that have helped in keeping breakouts to a minimum. Even when I travel, I usually either pack a bunch of paper towels with me, or I use one washcloth a night to dry my face off.

5 Habits to Achieve Healthy Skin

5 Step Morning Skincare Routine

Stay Hydrated

I hate to even admit it, but I used to be so bad with drinking water. It’s just so bland. But my hack is to put it in a tumbler with a straw. I don’t what it is is, but my brain is then tricked into drinking at least 4 cup fulls of water throughout the day. And my skin has been at its glowiest this past year. Coincidence? I think not! Our skin is made up of about 60%, so replenishing that source is key.

Stop Picking At Your Skin

As tempting as it may be to do so when you have a pimple, the only thing this does is cause irritation, which then leads to scarring and hyperpigmentation. Your best course of action is to allow the pimple to ride its course. You can apply pimple patches (like these from Get Welly that I love) to help accelerate the process. Additionally, our hands carry a lot of germs. So as we continue to touch our skin, we are just transferring those germs to our face and since we aren’t washing our face as much as our hands, these germs have the chance to settle, and spread.

5 Habits to Achieve Healthy Skin

Those are the 5 habits to achieve healthy skin. Healthy skin does not always equate to skin without bumps, texture, etc. Healthy skin is simply skin that is being properly taken care of. Note that some skin issues are not easily fixed with these tips and sometimes require more medical attention. If you are experiencing severe acne and you’ve taken the steps to try and remedy on your own without progress, I recommend talking to a dermatologist for more insight

Until next time…

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